A monthly guide to stuff we think is cool

A new issue every
Friday morning

An interview with the So So Glos / by Chris Keene


by BUFU Records
By us for us.

by Bella Ortiz-Wren
The 22nd century.

by Liz Pelly
Allston DIY Fest 2013.

by Ethan Silverstein
Erica Freas (of RVIVR) plays a spontaneous solo set in our friend's living room.

The So So Glos are the best, ask anyone. A few months ago, the band of (mostly) brothers from Brooklyn released one of our favorite records of the year, Blowout. Now, they’re on a tour that brings them to Allston’s Great Scott on August 29 to play with Krill and Diarrhea Planet. In advance of the show, our friend Chris Keene (of Mean Creek) called up So So Bros Alex Levine and Zach Staggers to talk about their record, hometown, the DIY venue they live in, and more.

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Chris: You guys have been a band for many years. I sometimes get the impression from some people that it’s almost looked down upon to be in a band that’s been around a long time. The internet has shortened all of our attention spans, and it leaves a lot of music listeners constantly wanting something new. What has kept you guys together for so long, and what do you love about being with the same group instead of bouncing from one band to the next?

Zach: Well, for us, we’ve been in a band together since we were 3, 4, and 5 years old, Alex, me, and Ryan respectively. A lot of bands now will have formed sort of with the intent of doing something like a couple . . .

Killer Mike live at the Paradise / video by Ali Donohue

Remember issue 13? Remember P4k fest? Remember how Killer Mike's set ruled? When we heard his Run the Jewels tour with El-P was passing through Boston at the Paradise on August 13th, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to catch the show in a smaller setting. We usually actively avoid Live Nation venues, but this was worth making an exception for; see this moment we captured for proof. At the end of Killer Mike's set, after performing "God In The Building," he jumped down into the crowd. "In case the music gets in the way, what I'm trying to reiterate and bring home ... is that I don't trust the church or the government," Killer Mike told the crowd. "I don't serve either of those bastards. You don't have to run to a religious house for a spiritual experience." He then recited the lyrics from "God In The Building" with no musical accompaniment, a rendition that allowed his message to be heard even louder: "We can all walk on water if we don't fear the sea."

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