Nothing for sale
right now

Five Years of Non-
Commercial Cultural
Writing, Interviews +


Thanks for your interest in donating to The Media.

The Media is proudly free of advertisements, but we sometimes we have expenses. Donating to The Media helps to make the project more sustainable for the volunteers who work on the site every week, so that these tiny expenses don't have to come out of our pockets:

- Website hosting/maintaining bandwidth
- Printing costs, for when we make printed materials to table at zine fests
- Making buttons
- Hosting events
- Other unexpected logistical costs

At this point, we've paid for hundreds of dollars of web hosting and logistical costs using $10-20 donations from our readers and supporters, so every little bit really helps. Thanks!

Donating to The Media also helps support of long-term goals of eventually becoming a printed publication, which we are getting closer to all of the time.

If you have any questions, or would like to be involved in a community organized fundraiser to support The Media, please get in touch: fvckthemedia at gmail dot com. If you know of grant opportunities that are relevant to our mission, we'd love to hear from you too.

Donations can be sent via PayPal:

The Media

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